Decoding an HTML is not a crime!

I bought this domain, when the twitter dev community was talking about how decoding a html website was a cyber crime.

Wait let me just...

Oh cool, I can embed tweets on mdbook 🥂. Let me make this clear the so called "right click" was the act of cyber crime, well according to him anyway. This assumption that HTML devs are cyber criminals, was hard to believe for me/us (the geeks). But for the unaware it is foreign entity that is used by cyber criminals.

Well, for one HTML is not a programming language! And don't mix hackers and cyber-criminals together. Hackers are a kind of beautiful creatures, driven with curiousity and passion. They explore to expand the limits of human potential.

The governor is speaking for the public. All I am sure is that the dev who created the website were not given specific instructions to safely store the private data. I'm not sure.

I don't even know how can I explain this...

HTML is like a dictionary, that has words and its definition. HTML is used by computers to describe a webpage. Saying "building a dictionary is a crime" is itself a crime. It denies progress.